2014. április 3., csütörtök

How do I feel about myself as being 22 years old and a goth girl?

I was reading an entry on someone else's blog about the topic and I asked myself the question: did the way I dress up changed since I was in my teens? The answer is obviously, yes. When I was a teenager I did really weird things too and wore extreme clothes, which is okay, even when you're an adult, the matter is that you like it. But of course not everyone does that in their 20s. ^^" What I can say in the topic that my style has changed a bit, it's more sophisticated *ehhm* and elegant, and.. well, a tiny bit more casual, I guess. I just grew up to be like this. Now I prefer beautiful and elegant clothes over extreme - though I admit sometimes I still love to dress up in extreme clothes, but just on rare occassions or when I'm in that mood.
I think that's all. Short entry is short, but I didn't want to write a novel on the topic.

2014. március 15., szombat

Saturday morning's inspirational post

Here's some inspirational photos, mostly of vintage stuff for today. :)

source: pinterest.com

source: pinterest.com

source: exvotovintage.com

source: pinterest.com

source: bethquinndesigns.blogspot.com

source: vintagedragonfly.com

source: pinterest.com

source: etsy.com

2014. március 13., csütörtök

Gluten, grain and dairy free banana pancake (with recipe)

Today I want to share a great recipe I got from Blithe. :) It's a gluten, grain and dairy free banana pancake recipe and you will only need two ingredients (and baking spray or oil):

  • One or two riped (it can be very very ripe too, the softer the better ^^) bananas, depending on the amount of pancakes you want
  • two eggs
  • oil or baking spray, but it goes into the pan :D
Smash the bananas in a bowl with a fork, then add the eggs and whisk them. Pour a little oil / spray the baking spray in the pan, and heat it up. Advice: get a teaspoon and pour a little bit of your egg and banana mixture into the pan to see if it's hot enough to bake your pancakes. The tiny drop should start to bake instantly if the heat is right. Make sure not to burn your pancakes. ^^"
Then just bake them as if you were making regular pancakes and you're done.

Tip: if you want to flavor your pancakes, you can use almost anything, like cocoa powder, cinnamon, vanilla extract, you can even put fruits in it (strawberry, banana, blueberries, etc). It all depends on your taste. ^^

source of the picture: food.com

2014. február 22., szombat

Some of my new creations + update on books

Today I just want to quickly share a few photos of my new creations and a little update on books, since I was silent, for, like two weeks.
Here we start with the creations:

Peregrine falcon necklace - inspired by Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine

Peregrine falcon necklace - inspired by Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine

Peregrine falcon necklace - inspired by Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine

Antique/gothic necklace made from an old earring:

That's it for now. >o< And the update on the books: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (both the 'normal' book and the visual novel) and Hollow City arrived, I'll write a post about them later (with pictures).

2014. február 9., vasárnap

A rant about books, cats and other stuff

Hi there!

At first I'm not good at introducing myself so let's just state I'm 22 years old, a bookworm, I like to draw and create stuff, and I'm currently trying to write a book (this isn't my first try, let's hope it won't fail). Oh and I'm the owner of 9 cats and a mouse that lives in the pantry. Did I mention I'm a bookworm? Oh, right, I did. XD

Talking of books, this is going to be mineeeee! It's already on it's way. >< I'm a huge fan of these books (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, and the sequel), so tomorrow I will purchase the 1st book and the visual novel too and I'll be out of money -> spending all of my money on books is the story of my life.
Now, it will sound weird but since the first book, I like to use yiddish swearwords* (thanks, Abe). *sigh* I'm fucking crazy.

*I am not a jew, but I have no problem with them (I'm against racism and discrimination).

I like to make jewelries & other stuff, you can see it yourself >here< and >here<.

And this is one of my latest creations:
Vintage jewelry box