2014. április 3., csütörtök

How do I feel about myself as being 22 years old and a goth girl?

I was reading an entry on someone else's blog about the topic and I asked myself the question: did the way I dress up changed since I was in my teens? The answer is obviously, yes. When I was a teenager I did really weird things too and wore extreme clothes, which is okay, even when you're an adult, the matter is that you like it. But of course not everyone does that in their 20s. ^^" What I can say in the topic that my style has changed a bit, it's more sophisticated *ehhm* and elegant, and.. well, a tiny bit more casual, I guess. I just grew up to be like this. Now I prefer beautiful and elegant clothes over extreme - though I admit sometimes I still love to dress up in extreme clothes, but just on rare occassions or when I'm in that mood.
I think that's all. Short entry is short, but I didn't want to write a novel on the topic.